I am a digital person. Computer is essential. This mbp will be my companion in the coming days.
[white notebook]
Same as the one I used for work, but in clean white. Something familiar but brand new, for recording my new journey.
[basic stationery]
Trying to keep things minimal and keep as less as I can.
[masking tapes]
In my favourite shades of blue. Prepared for sticking random stuff on my visual diary.
[octopus card]
Reminds me of home. A card that is always needed when I was in my hometown.
[clear eraser]
A cute invention from Japan. I always appreciate Japanese people’s attention to detail.
[tape measure]
A small tool that I used for work, reminds me to be flexible, but still always accurate.
[lucky coin]
A 20-cent coin from 1989, which I accidentally found it in my pocket on my departure night, before I said goodbye to my family. Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II on one side, because Hong Kong was a British colony at that time. This represents the old Hong Kong where I was born in. A blessing to my life in London.

Noiseless 904 is a font I created months ago. This is my first attempt at designing a typeface. Just can’t wait to work on something new, and create things that would amaze myself.