Welcome to Dar Biophilia, 2040

Welcome to Dar Biophilia, 2040

(1) Cle/Air, 2040 by Haneen Jamal and Muneera Albarrak
(2) Cle/Energy, 2040 by Haneen Jamal and Muneera Albarrak

Welcome to our “ Dar Biophilia – where the Love of Life and All Living Worlds exist”.

(3) Dar Biophilia bilingual logo
(4) The entrance of the district

Dar is an Arabic word means home and Biophilia is a theory introducing the idea that humans are instinctively drawn to nature and other forms of life. In Dar Biophilia district, we celebrate the interaction between nature and humans.

All of our houses are designed to be self-sustainable, adaptive, and connected. The spaces in these homes support natural and social life, and one of those spaces is “Blooming Cloud” which you will be seen in the tour. This space is a foldable planting deck that transforms into a balcony which responds to the climate and human modes.

(5) The balcony mechanism

(6) Blooming Cloud

Now, we will start the tour in our Dar Biophilia. For each tour, one tree will be planting in our district. At the beginning, stick this Cle/Energy – small magnatic solar device in your clothes or bag – that collect human and solar power to generate energy while we are moving around.

(7) Cle/Energy solar magnet

(8) Tour through “Dar Biophilia”

This is the end of our tour, hope you enjoy it. We are happy now to tell you that your Cle/Energy contribute in generating power for 1 hour of energy.

(9) The QR code on Cle/Air

Please accept a piece of our Dar Biophilia that allow you to experience one of the “Blooming Cloud” features that embodied in Cle/Air to explore the power of plants.

(10) Cle/Air digital brochure

For more details about our story and promotional item, take pleasure in scanning the QR code on Cle/Air – with the hologram feature on your smart phone – to get the interactive brochure with full details of our 20 years journey and the modes offered by “Blooming Cloud”.

(11) Dar Biophilia digital brochure
(12) The story of Dar Biophilia
(13) The modes of Blooming Cloud

We can’t wait to have you as a part of our community.


  • (1) Created by the designers
  • (2) Created by the designers + https://bit.ly/3dhOlWS + https://bit.ly/3fHayPF
  • (3) Created by the designers
  • (4) Created by the designers + https://archello.com/project/rebel-2 + https://www.pinterest.fr/pin/480759328966116458/ + https://www.pinterest.com/pin/391391023863165818/
  • (5) Created by the designers
  • (6) Created by the designers + https://archello.com/project/rebel-2
  • (7) Created by the designers + https://bit.ly/3fHayPF
  • (8) Created by the designers + https://archello.com/project/rebel-2
  • (9) Created by the designers
  • (10) Created by the designers
  • (11) Created by the designers
  • (12) Created by the designers
  • (13) Created by the designers