Hi,I’m Yinfeng Qiu:
My bag contains many electronic devices because they help me to communicate more effectively and they are also my design tools.
#iPad My iPad and Apple pencil help me to work paperlessly and I can record my ideas conveniently.
#Bottle The Chinese proverb “half a bottle of water wobbles” is a constant reminder to me to stay thirsty and keep learning.
# Hard disk We need to keep learning, accumulating and storing knowledge.
#Converters It is a converter of knowledge and helps me to learn and integrate knowledge from different regions.
#Lego Learning is like Lego, there are many different components and materials that need to be put together and perfected over and over again.
#Pencil case Stationery is the medium through which we express ourselves and share our ideas.
#Screwdrivers I like to study the structure and materials of products and a screwdriver helps me to take apart and reorganise my knowledge.
#Books Books can help us to understand the views and knowledge of others.
#Powerback It helps me to keep my energy up at all times and not lose touch with the world.
#Earphones We should keep listening.
#Ties Ties can help us to summarise and sort out the relationships between different things.
#Gamepad Life is like a game, you need to constantly overcome difficulties and upgrade yourself.
#Sunglasses Even if there is blinding sunlight, we still need to stay awake and see the essence of things.