My past, present and future fill my bag. Everything that I had lived and done, every decision I make and what difference I want to generate, are all part of my story.
-The two little jars: represent my roots and seeds, where I was born and grew (Bogotá-Colombia) and remind me the importance of being grateful of where I came.
-The red bracelet represents the union of love, trust, respect, support, fun, and friendship with my brother.
-The picture represents my family. The most important thing in my life, reminds me the importance of union, love, support, perseverant, passion, confidence and knowing that wherever I go, they are there.
-The eye bracelet represents my friends, especially the ones that are already gone, reminds me the importance of life, of enjoying each second and each person you have.
-The flowers and the background (a natural fabric), represents the importance of environment in my life, what really drives me is to help others, I wish to become a designer that works for good causes and have a lasting impact in the world: Tolerance, Human rights, Environment, Equality.
-The book, represents my future, my dreams, experiences, learnings, and surprises life is going to bring me, I am still searching and discovering my path as a designer and human being, is still unwritten.