Courage, comfort and practicality are the three criteria that I need in my designs. In my view, they are also three elements related to sustainability.
Camera -The camera helps me to record my life and discover the details of life, the details can give me new inspiration.
Thermos – Every Chinese can accept hot water, there is nothing that drinking more hot water cannot solve. Anything can be done, if you think about how to do it.
Alcohol pad – They can give me a great sense of comfort and make me more willing to contact with the world now.
Kelluyy’s – Kelluyy’s can give me energy throughout the day, especially when there is no time to eat.
Earplugs – Earplugs allow me to be completely immersed in my world.
Bracelet – This is a very important thing for me, ages of 12 times are very special for us in China, they are magical and difficult years, in which I need to wear jewelry with red and gold. Do not be afraid to fail and it will be fine.
Notebooks – Writing it down will be more authentic, and easier to achieve than recording it on an electronic device.
Glasses – When without them my world is a blur, even muted.
Amulets – I prayed for them at the temple before I came to London. This trip was not in my original plan, but it was very meaningful to me. In the future, there will be a lot of unplanned developments and new ideas to try. I hope my amulets will bring good luck.
Hat – it makes me feel invisible and gain a great sense of security when I wear it. I’m wondering invisible things are more sustainable.
Sunsets – I think sunrises and sunsets are gifts from nature to human, but without any payment. Should we pay for all the free services provided by nature when they are being destroyed?
Five pounds – It’s hard to imagine that when I arrived in London with only five pounds. I think it likes social innovation, do not care about what you have, to imagine what you can do.